Chestnut Street

This condominium on Beacon Hill seamlessly dovetails the classic pedigree of historic architecture with the contemporary aesthetic of the homeowner. Each room is graciously scaled in shades of gray. Considerably less than fifty. Fabrics, wallpaper, and stunning kitchen cabinetry harmoniously integrate and convey a sense of place. “I experimented with a little trompe-L’oeil in the master,” says Ana, by creating the optical illusion that the bedside built-in was emerging from the wall. It worked.”

Chestnut Street Bedroom
Ana Donohue Interiors - Living Room Design
Ana Donohue Interiors - Living Room Design
Ana Donohue Interiors - Kitchen Design
Ana Donohue Interiors - Bathroom Design
Ana Donohue Interiors - Bedroom Design
Ana Donohue Interiors - Bedroom Design
Ana Donohue Interiors - Bedroom Design